Page 208 - 2SB
P. 208

TEST 8: Pets                                                                  İNGİLİZCE
                 TEST 8: Pets

                 (1 - 6. sorularda noktalı yerlere            3. 3.
               yazılabilecek kelime veya ifadeyi

           1. 1.

                                                                             This is a ............. .

                                                                  A) cat         B) spider          C) dog

               –  Where is the bird.                          4. 4.  –  ..................?

               –  The bird is  ............... .                  –  Yes, it’s.

                                                                  A)  Is this a cat
               A)  on the cage
                                                                  B)  Do you walk
               B)  on the table
                                                                  C)  Great, thanks
               C)  in the cage

                                                              5. 5.
                                                                      Where are             The cats are
                                                                       the cats?              ............ .
           2. 2.                  The rabbit
                   Where is
                  the rabbit?     is ............ .

               A)  in the car                                     A)  under the chair

               B)  on the car                                     B)  on the chair

               C)  under the table                                C)  in the tree

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